Saturday 27 April 2024

Week 3 & 4 Term 2

 KAYA parents,

We hope you are having a wonderful weekend, how can you not with this perfect weather! Here is an update for the next two weeks, there are a couple of key dates that you need to put into your calendar so keep an eye for those!

Key Learning in 3R
The students are coming along just nicely with their knowledge of the addition and subtraction written processes. This week we will be applying this knowledge to complete word problems, which is a difficult process in itself! They will need to identify what is being asked of them to solve the problem and then applying the correct process. We will finish this week with an assessment on the two concepts before moving on to multiplication.

If you get a chance, ask your child how to do a addition and subtraction sum with regrouping. If they need further help, please don't hesitate to ask for more help.

Mrs Sorgiovanni is still working on time and now looking at applying time concepts to real life problems.


We are well on our way to learning more about the Quenda and studying the writing genre of Information Reports. Currently we have placed a focus on its structure, where to find and how to identify quality information resources, how to note-take using key information only and then how to form a well-structured introduction. From here this fortnight we will continue to work on our body paragraphs, highlighting specifically paragraph structures; writing topic sentences, fact elaborations and linking ideas with useful conjunctions! A big week of learning ahead.

The students are loving the new addition of the podcast activity to their Reading group rotation. It has come at a perfect time, as it is blending nicely with our fact identification processes in our writing genre, Information reports.

This week we will be completing a Reading comprehension assessment on Seesaw and sending it through as soon as we can. Keep an eye out for this, to see how your child is tracking with their ability to identify key facts after reading a text.

We have completed the Soundwaves Diagnostic Assessment for the second time this year and have seen growth in most students within the class. This is incredibly reassuring that what we are doing each week is working. Some students have made significant growth in a short amount of time and have moved to a different spelling group. We will keep an eye out on those that have moved up and see if they are able to cope with the more difficult list words. If we notice their results consistently drop, we may get in contact with you to do extra practice at home.

Important Information
Mother's Day Liturgy
Next Friday 10th May (week 4), 3R will be hosting the Mother's Day Prayer Liturgy in the hall at 2.15pm! We would love it if you could all make it, however completely understand that this may not be possible for everyone. 

By the end of this week, we will be sending home readings for the students to practice over the weekend. In week 4 we, will have a practice each day to ensure the student's feel comfortable with their readings on the assembly day.

REQUEST for the liturgy...We were hoping that you are able to email a photo of your child and their mum to by the end of week 3. It will play a special part in the liturgy. xx

Reconciliation Parent Child Workshop & Commitment Mass
We are looking forward to coming together on Tuesday, 30th April beginning at 5.00pm in 3R. All candidates making their reconciliation are expected to attend with at least one parent, both if possible. If you are unable to make this meeting, please let us know as soon as possible.

Reconciliation Commitment Mass
The Reconciliation candidates are to attend mass on Saturday 4th May beginning at 6pm at Our Lady of the Southern Cross. A short commitment ceremony will take part in the mass, as a way of enrolling into the sacrament. Again, if you are unable to attend mass on Saturday, please let me know as soon as possible.

Year 3 Family Mass & Reconciliation Thanksgiving Mass
SAVE THE DATE...On Sunday 16th June, all Year 3 students are to attend the Year 3 Family Mass at Our Lady of the Southern Cross church @ 8.30am. 

Each year, all classes are nominated a class mass to attend at church on a weekend to come together and celebrate at the church. Luckily our class mass is also the Thanksgiving Mass for our Reconciliation candidates. Having them on the same day, allows for our non-Catholic families to show their love and support to their peers who have completed the sacrament earlier in the week. Being such a beautiful cohort of families and students, we ask that you place this date into your calendars now so your child can take the opportunity to celebrate their peers. Their will be a small morning tea provided to the students after the mass as part of the celebration.

Library Bags
Just a reminder we have LIBRARY on a TUESDAY and the students need to bring their bags to be able to borrow. We noticed a slight decline in the borrowing last term and were hoping this reminder helps it increase again. 

Character Strength of the Week...Judgement...

Critical thinker 
Thinks things through 
Open minded 
Able to rethink 
fu hu mbled  

St Alphonsus left his career as a lawyer to follow God. St Alphonsus was a practical person, who dealt with the concrete and not the abstract.

Do you think things through?
Are you open-minded and think about all sides of a situation?

Did You Know?
  • I had to channel an inner Greek goddess on the weekend, as I had to attend my cousin's hen's night in Perth! 2 weeks to go before the big day...I love a wedding💓
  • Billie is getting a new horse called Pastie!
  • Our Mother's Day Liturgy is in 11 days!!! Keep an eye out for your child's reading to practice at home over the weekend.
  • Olivia is finally free again, not having to wear her sling. Playing it safe though, to keep that collar bone safe.
  • Mrs Hayward is BACK!!! She had the most wonderful time and will show the students some of her photos of her adventures this week. I have now banned her from leaving our side for the rest of the year 😁
  • We are learning about 'Australia's BIG Things' this week in HASS. We will be locating those large man-made monuments like the Big Pineapple found in sunny Queensland and the reasons why their were created. Have you seen any in your travels?
  • Sam's mum just celebrated a birthday in Melbourne and he was so excited to be spending time with his grandparents.
  • The Quenda is a unique specie to the South West region of WA. It derived from the noongar word Kwinda.
  • Only one more week until Kelley joins us again, we hope he is having a wonderful time in America.

Upcoming Events
Tuesday 30th April - First Reconciliation Parent/Child Workshop @ 5 - 6pm
Saturday 4th May -  Reconciliation Commitment Mass @ 6pm at Our Lady of the Southern Cross (Reconciliation candidates to only attend)
Friday 10th May - Year 3R Prayer Assembly in the hall @ 2.15pm
Sunday 12th May - Mother's Day
Tuesday 14th May - Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday 15th May - Scholastic Book Fair
Friday 17th May - Student Free Day
Monday 27th - 31st May - National Reconciliation Week
Monday 27th May - School Photos
Tuesday 28th May - School Photos
Wednesday 13th June - Sacrament of Reconciliation (candidates attend only)
Thursday 14th June - Cross Country
Sunday16th June - Thanksgiving Mass for the Sacrament of Reconciliation & Year 3 Family Mass (all Year 3 students attend) with a light morning tea to follow...SAVE THE DATE
Thursday 20th June - OLC's Got Talent
Thursday 27th June - Whole School Mass
Friday 28th June - Last Day of Term

Week 3&4 Homework:
1. Reading - 20 minutes each night (your child will bring home a designated reader - please complete and sign the reading log each night)
2. Mental Math's activity book
3. Mixed 3 & 5 Times tables - practice by saying them aloud and writing them down (NB: testing will occur this term)

Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Sorgiovanni

Week 3 & 4 Term 2

  K AY A  parents, We hope you are having a wonderful weekend, how can you not with this perfect weather! Here is an update for the next two...