Sunday 18 February 2024

Week 4&5 Term 1 2024

KAYA Parents,

What a wonderful week we've had, post swimming. The students are settling well into their new routines and working hard to complete excellent pieces of work that meet the expectations we are setting. We couldn't be more proud of them.

Key Learning in 3R
We have started with a bang, not wanting to miss any time for preparation in the lead up to NAPLAN. Many important learning opportunities have taken place and key highlights include; writing a narrative of their own, the commencement of Lent and the beginning of Reading and Math's rotations in class.

Over the past 2 weeks we have been refining the process of how to write a detailed narrative using the correct elements. In class we use the planning template of a story mountain (see image below), which includes an orientation, complication, sequence of events, climax and resolution. Each day we have modelled a new element of the narrative and the students have taken these ideas and mixed it with their creative flair to create some very descriptive and well written stories! You must come and check these out, once we finish them this week.

Last Tuesday, it was crucial we ate pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday😉. This is the day before Ash Wednesday and traditionally the time when Catholics cleared out their pantries of rich and sugary ingredients in preparation for the sacrifices they made during Lent. The next day, as a whole school, we participated in an Ash Wednesday liturgy where the students received an ash cross on their forehead to remind them of ways they can be more like Jesus through Lent. The students then went on to write Lenten promises, outlining ways they can show the spirit of Jesus. See below a couple of examples completed already. Another great piece of work to come and see when you get a chance. 

Important Information

NAPLAN is due to be held in Weeks 7-9 this term. It is particularly important that all students are familiar with the variety of question types used in NAPLAN. The ACARA NAPLAN Online public demonstration site ( is available for this purpose and allows staff, students and parents to view, and interact with, example test questions. Please note that students will have a practice session scheduled during the school day, where we can test the school technical capabilities as well as exposing the students to a range of types of questions. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child and NAPLAN, please refer to the information sheets that were sent home last week or see us classroom teachers to discuss options.

Cyber Safety Presentation
Please consider attending the upcoming Cyber Safety Parent Information Session presented by Nola Marino on Monday 19 February at 6.00pm in the School Hall. Parents of students in ALL year levels are welcome to attend.

Merit Certificates and Assemblies
This year, Assemblies will be held on alternate Friday afternoons, depending on school activities. The first Assembly for the year will be held this Friday 23 February. It is expected that all students will receive a Merit Certificate or Star Citizen award once each year.

Canteen days include Monday, Thursday and Friday. They began last week!!

Before School
Please note if your child arrives before 8.30am, they are to wait quietly in the courtyard (outside the office) until the class doors are opened at 8.30am. We have had MANY students arrive early and play chasey out the front of the classroom...can you please encourage your child not to do this.

VIA Character Strength

Parents, this week we are looking at developing the character strength of Creativity.

St Cecilia was known for her musical abilities. She also loved to paint, as well as sing and play music. St Cecilia is why music is such a central part of the liturgy today. Do you come up with lots of different and individual ideas? Are you a problem solver? Do you have a magnificent imagination?

Did You Know?
  • 2 new students have joined us in 3R: welcome to Elijah and Franky and their families👐
  • Mrs Hayward swam the full 3.6kms of the Busselton Jetty swim last weekend and came away with some pretty nasty stinger scars. What a champ!
  • We are still in need of 2 parent P&F class reps...please let myself, Gemma or Fran know if you can do it.
  • The students completed our '3R Class Acknowledgement to Country' by decorating a leaf with their favourite thing in nature. Their leaf was placed around the acknowledgement as their way to promise they will show respect to the land and animals just as the Aboriginal people do. Come in and have a look 👀
  • That 3R watch OLC news with their Year 1N buddies every Monday afternoon.
  • Mrs Ricciardone, after many years, ran a very slow 5kms at Park run on Saturday and was quite chuffed to cross the finish line without passing out😂 It was great to see so many kids running, all of which in front of me!
  • There are 4 biomes found on Earth and the students know them and are exploring where rainforests and deserts are located in the world. Terms like the equator, tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn will be discovered this week.🗺
  • We have our FIRST assembly this Friday at 2.20pm in the hall. 
  • Mrs Sorgiovanni makes the most delicious fig jam!

Upcoming Events
  1. Monday 19th February - Nola Marino Parent  Cyber Safety Presentation
  2. Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th February  - Mrs Ricciardone @ ASD PL (Relief teacher in 3R)
  3. Monday 4th March - Labour Day Public Holiday
  4. Thursday 21st March - Harmony Day
  5. Friday 22nd March - National Ride to School Day
  6. Friday 22nd March - Student Free Day - Parent Teacher Meetings
  7. Sunday 24th March - Palm Sunday
  8. Thursday 28th March - Last Day of Term 1
  9. Friday 29th March - Good Friday
  10. Sunday 31st March - Easter Sunday

Week 4&5 Homework:
1. Reading - 20 minutes each night (your child will bring home a designated reader - please complete and sign the reading log each night)
2. Mental Math's activity sheet - addition and subtraction with 1-digit numbers
3. 10x Times tables - practice by saying them aloud and writing them down

Have a wonderful evening everyone...can't wait to see all the kiddos tomorrow morning!

Mrs Sorgiovanni & Mrs Ricciardone

Week 3 & 4 Term 2

  K AY A  parents, We hope you are having a wonderful weekend, how can you not with this perfect weather! Here is an update for the next two...