Saturday 3 February 2024

Week 2&3 Term 1


What an exciting first week of school we have had! We are very proud of our little 3R family and their efforts this week. They've already shown great determination and resilience, navigating through the first day nerves, learning ways to take care of our own belongings and displaying our OLC values with pride. Even when we were getting tired at the end of the week. We were incredibly fortunate to have ideal swimming conditions down at the bay, there were no complaints of being cold thanks to it being so hot outside. I hope they have had some rest this weekend and are ready for another week full of learning and fun! 🏊

This is a fortnightly blog, and in each blog we will discuss learning that has taken place, learning intentions for future learning, upcoming events and homework.

Week 1 Learning
The first week was all about getting to know each other and feeling comfortable in our learning environment. There was a lot to take in on the first day, learning the new routines and expectations of our class. This chat had to be broken up with a few fun team games, such as 'Pass the Sponge' (perfect for the hot day!) and 'Pass the  Hoola Hoop'. Clearly they are a great bunch, they worked so well together from the get go!

The students had an opportunity to tell us more about themselves and created a display piece 'This is Me'. These will be on display on Parent Information Night for you to take a look at. We've heard a little about their holidays through a holiday recount and boy it sounds like they've all had a great break!

We've begun testing for our groupings, which will start in week 3. Further testing will take place throughout week 2, to allow us teachers to develop a strong understanding of our students learning abilities and their areas of need.

Week 2 & 3 Learning
Spelling - Spelling Groups will begin in week 3 and the first grapheme is 'a - apple'.

Reading - Reading Groups will also take place in week 3. The students will work through 4 rotations throughout the week, these include:
  • a teacher guided session 
  • independent comprehension
  • a spelling activity 
  • a speaking and listening activity
Writing - With NAPLAN fast approaching in week 7 of this term, we are launching into exploring and writing narratives. Within the next two weeks we will be creating alluring orientations and developing the complication within their own narrative.

Mathematics - Mrs Ricciardone will be teaching Number concepts on Monday to Wednesday, starting with place value and Mrs Sorgiovanni will be teaching Measurement and Geometry on Thursday and Friday, starting with measuring lengths in metres and centimetres.

Health - This term we will be exploring emotions. The students will get opportunities to predict and identify emotions, the feelings and actions caused by these emotions and then learn ways to regulate themselves. 

HASS - The students will be learning about Australia's neighbouring countries, identifying the different climates of the world and how they relate to these countries. They will make comparisons between these countries and Australia. 

Art - Mrs Sorgiovanni has some incredible art pieces planned, starting with a study of a 12yr old artist Andreas Velencia. Students will creating a Picasso inspired portrait.

Important Information
Kiss 'n' Drop
To promote independence and responsibility we are asking, where possible, for the students to be dropped at the classroom door. This then gives your child the opportunity to enter the classroom and carryout the morning routines set in place to prepare themselves for their learning each day. Obviously there will be times where you may want to see what your child has been working on or speak to myself or Gemma, and you are always welcome in on these occasions.

Timetable Without Swimming:
Please note on Monday, week 3 we will start out normal timetable without swimming lessons. Please see this timetable below and note days for sport uniform. 3R has physical education and dance (every 2nd week) on Wednesday, therefore 3R will have to wear their teal sport uniform on Wednesday and their faction sport uniform on Friday. 

Parent Information Night:
This Tuesday 6th February, we have our Parent Information evening. The school has split this night into two sessions to accommodate those who have multiple children in different year levels. These sessions are as follows:

5.00 - 5.45pm: PP - 2 in classrooms with class teachers
5.45 - 6.00pm: PP - 6 in the hall with Mrs Hegney and Leadership Team
6.00 - 6.45pm: Yr3 - 6 in classrooms with class teachers

The slides to the presentation will be made available after the presentation.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in 3R at 6pm.

We will begin our Library borrowing sessions next week (week 3). Please be aware that 3R's borrowing day is on a Tuesday, which means that ALL students need to bring in their Library bag on this day to borrow books. It would be greatly appreciated if you could support us with this, as we are wanting to place a large focus student's finding something they enjoy reading, whether it be fiction or non-fiction. If your child is regularly not borrowing on a Tuesday, we will be sending an email home requesting your assistance with this.

Parish Mass:
Please note 3R will walk to the Church on Wednesday 14th February  (week 3) to take part in the parish mass with the Dunsborough community. Please ensure your child has a hat and sun cream applied in the morning. 

Please check in with the school website for the summer uniform policy and make sure that your child adheres to our guidelines. Both boys and girls must have their hair off their face and tied up if it falls below their collar.

Canteen days include Monday, Thursday and Friday, STARTING WEEK 3. 

Before School:
Please note if your child arrives before 8.30am, they are to wait quietly in the courtyard (outside the office) until the class doors are opened at 8.30am.

Character Strengths:
Parents, this week we are looking at developing the character strength of Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. St Francis of Assisi saw the beauty in all of God’s creations and in nature itself. His life was one of great respect and mercy for all of God’s creation – people, animals, nature. Do you enjoy the beauty around you? Are you inspired by the goodness of others?

Appreciation of 
Beauty & Excellence 
Feels awe and 
wonder in beauty 
Inspired by the 
good in others 
Values skills 
and talents 
"Nature is a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and 
grants us a glimpse of his infinite beauty and goodness " Pope Francis

Upcoming Events
  1. Tuesday 6th February - Parent Information Night
  2. Wednesday 14th February - Ash Wednesday - Opening School Mass & Celebration of Ash Wednesday
  3. Sunday 18th February - First Sunday of Lent
  4. Monday 19th February - Nola Marino Parent Cybersafety Presentation
  5. Saturday 24th February - P&F Quiz Night
  6. Monday 27th & Tuesday 28th February  - Mrs Ricciardone @ Autism PD (Relief teacher in 3R)
  7. Monday 4th March - Labour Day Public Holiday
  8. Thursday 21st March  - Harmony Day
  9. Friday 22nd March - National Ride to School Day
  10. Friday 22nd March - Student Free Day - Parent Teacher Meetings
  11. Sunday 24th March - Palm Sunday
  12. Thursday 28th March - Last Day of Term 1


Week 3 Homework:
1. Reading - 20 minutes each night (your child will bring home a designated reader - please complete and sign the reading log each night)
2. Mental Math's activity sheet - addition and subtraction with 1 digit numbers
3. 2x Times tables - practice by saying them aloud and writing them down

Enjoy the last of the weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow. Now for a cup of tea!

Kindest regards,

Mrs Sorgiovanni & Mrs Ricciardone

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Week 3 & 4 Term 2

  K AY A  parents, We hope you are having a wonderful weekend, how can you not with this perfect weather! Here is an update for the next two...